Project Description

The Bendigo Youth Choir was established in 1984, and has since had over 1,000 members who’ve provided performances in Bendigo and internationally.

The choir committee approached us with the goal of increasing the number of new choristers and retaining current choristers by promoting the sense of family and community that is gained by being a part of the choir.

In order to achieve this goal, we created a PR and marketing plan to increase the awareness of performance opportunity for current and potential members.

In collaboration with Studio Ink, we updated the BYC website, with the aim of updating to a more modern theme, and set up a new CMS website backend so that the staff can update the website with ease, as well as designed a new FL flyer for distribution.

With Mingle Media, we organised a social media workshop tailored to assist the social media manager and update their skills, so they can more effectively manage their social media platforms.

Check out their fancy new website here: